Estancias Central Chaco

Paraguay, Province Boqueron
15.000 hectares
cattle fattening

Three neighbouring farms, 5.000 has each, were acquired between 2008 and 2010. Since 2008 state of the art productive pastures have been implemented on approx. 60% of the area, the rest will be kept as natural reserves.

Aligned to necessary investments in infrastructure (water management, fencing, buildings, streets) and further pasture improvements the strategic aim is to continuously expand live stocks with state-of-the-art genetics to 6.800 heads.

Estancia Rancho del Monte

Province Presidente Hayes
10.000 hectares
cattle breeding

Estancia Rancho del Monte is situated 350 km’s north of Asuncion and was acquired in 2011. The farm consists of nearly 10.000 hectares of swampy and partly overgrown pastures. At the moment of acquisition the farm infrastructure was only basic.

Since 2011 VTMT continuously improved infrastructure and pastures. The unit objective is to build up state of the art breeding genetics.